Some important scientific ways to be happy


What’s up, guys? .... I hope you all are doing well. Today I would like to share my view on Some important scientific ways to be happy”. Every person wants to live a happy and peaceful life and for this, he always tries to find so many ways. Happiness is the key to become a successful person. Because happiness leads to peace, peace leads to confidence and confidence can make any person a hero from zero.


Some scientific ways to be happy:

First, practice smiling daily. It helps you to stay healthy and happy. I have learned it from my grandparents. They keep practicing laughing exercise in the park in the morning daily. It also keeps the blood circulation balanced. Second, sleep at least 6 to 8 hours. Every person needs to sleep, according to his own capacity. Sleep is a very important part of our life to stay healthy and beautiful. Third, try to help others without any expectations. Guys apply it in your life and you will definitely feel blessed. 


It gives you internal peace and I don’t think there is anything which is important more than happiness and internal peace. Fourth, practice gratitude. Fifth, every person should do meditation 15 minutes in a day. It also helps you to increase your concentration power. Sixth, you should do yoga and exercise on a daily basis. I was like either I should do yoga or exercise but now, I am doing yoga and exercise from the last 6 years and at this point, I can say both are equally important and both have so many advantages. So, do first at least 30-minute exercise and, then 30-minute yoga. 


Seventh,  whichever mantras you like the most listen to them daily. I always love to listen to the Gayatri mantra and Mahamrityunjay mantra. Eighth, go for a trip with family and friends at least once in 2 months or 3 months. This is the best way to keep yourself relaxed and motivated. Ninth, whatever work or business you are doing, enjoy it as much as possible. Try to build your interest with your work so that you can focus 100 percent on it without any distraction. Tenth, go outside for walking between 4 to 5 am. This is the best time to walk and to keep yourself young. I hope these points help all of you to stay happy.


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