Some tips to improve your body language


What’s up, guys?... I hope you all are doing well. Today I would like to share my views on “Some tips to improve your body language”. It doesn’t matter from where you are and what is your status, the only thing which matters the most is how you can represent yourself in front of others and what is your attitude and personality. Here are some tips which can help anyone improve his body language:
First, smiling is one of the best therapy to cure any problem, and it also improves your personality. So, always try to represent yourself with a sweet smile in front of others. Second, pace yourself to match the other person. Every person has different views on everything, that’s why you should try to assess each person individually, and adopt the body language that will help you connect with him. Third, you need to be open with your emotions. Make yourself comfortable with another person while you both are talking. Express your emotions on your face.


For example, when you are feeling happy, then you should express it on your face or when you are sad, then share it with your family and friends. You shouldn’t be an introvert person if you want to live your life fully. Fourth, keep an open space before your upper torso. For example, don’t fold your arms, don’t hug your bag, or don’t put things on your lap. Fifth, always try to maintain an eye to eye contact with another person. It is very important to establish a strong connection with others. Sixth, be comfortable in your space. For example, don’t fidget, don’t squirm, or don’t lose yourself in your body. Seventh, be inclusive in your actions. 


Reduce the physical distance between you and the other person, maintain eye contact, smile, and make occasional gestures towards the other person. Eighth, sometimes you should slow down your pace for adjustment. This is mainly for fast talkers. Ninth, minimize all the movements that distract you to concentrate on the situation. Don’t finger drums, nail bite, or scab pick. Tenth, learn to compromise in your life. To build a strong relationship with others, you have to learn to compromise because sometimes to make our loved one happy, we have to compromise something in our life. Without pain, there is no gain. 


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