Don’t consider yourself less than anyone

 Don’t consider yourself less than anyone. Every person is different. Every person has different qualities for example someone is a good cook, someone is a good designer, someone is a good cricketer and someone is a good actor etc.


But we have to see for ourselves what we are and what we want to be. No one can tell us you are a good writer or what is good in you, what is bad, or what you should become in life. You have to see yourself what is in you that makes you different from others. Nowadays, everyone thinks that their lifestyle should be better than others, etc.


This is why we always compare ourselves with others. And one of the biggest problems that I have noticed that parents are always comparing their children with the children of others whether it is marks, job, etc.


This has caused so much competition and pressure nowadays that people that’s why we can see so many cases of depression. These days nobody thinks, what makes ourselves happy, but just think of getting ahead or better from others.


We should never compare our own qualities and dreams with others and parents should not impose their dreams and thoughts on their children also. We should live our own life according to our own, not by looking at others.

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